02 Dec 2018
18 Top Shade Loving Perennials 2019
(3) Shade Loving Perennials, Hardy Ferns, Cinnamon Fern Roots, Plants, Starts - This year’s fresh seeds. Whether used in a border of your garden or in the backgroud, ferns enhance any garden with their grace and beauty in varying shades of green. Strong, robust plants zones 5 and higher. Full sun / or shade. Whether used in a border of your garden or in the backgroud, ferns enhance any garden with their grace and beauty in varying shades of green.
3 Astilbe – Plants/root Astilbe "white" ( Plant) Nonstop Blooms .perennial, Shade Loving - Prefers moist, humusy, organically rich soils. Removing faded flower stalks will not prolong bloom but may improve plant appearance, particularly if a ground cover look is desired. Culture easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade. Soils must not be allowed to dry out. A summer compost mulch helps retain soil moisture. Season perennial usda zones 4, 8 height 28 inches bloom season summer bloom color mix environment partial shade soil type evenly moist soils are preferred, ph 5. Divide clumps when overcrowding occurs (every 3-4 years). If regularly watered, foliage will usually remain attractive throughout the growing season. On the other hand, many gardeners leave the flower stalks in place after bloom because of the continuing ornamental interest of the dried seed heads. 8 deer resistant yes planting directions temperature 65, 70f. 5, 6.
Shade Loving Perennials, Hardy Ferns, Christmas Fern Root, Plant, Start - Strong, robust plants zones 5 and higher. Full sun / or shade. Whether used in a border of your garden or in the backgroud, ferns enhance any garden with their grace and beauty in varying shades of green. Grows to 3 feet tall / highly fragrant. This year’s fresh seeds.
Shade Loving Perennials, Hardy Ferns, Cinnamon Fern Root, Plant, Start - Whether used in a border of your garden or in the backgroud, ferns enhance any garden with their grace and beauty in varying shades of green.
25+ RHODODENDRUN ROSEBAY SEEDS / FLOWERS, SHRUBS, TREES / SHADE LOVING PERENNIAL - They bloom every other yearone year for bloomingone year for growing normally grow to 15 feet, but can become tree-like growing to 40 feet tall cut back each fall if you prefer shrub-like plants medium growth rate can be started indoors in winter (need to be kept in freezer 90 days prior to sowing) to be transplanted outdoors in spring or summer. 25+ seedsone the easiest to grow from seeds grown in dense shade or dappled shade tolerates a fair amount of sun, but leaves may scorch in hot afternoon sun adaptable and can succeed with less than ideal environmental factors, but it is important to remember that soild should me kept moist growing these beautiful plants is great fun huge, showy pink/white flowers. Or can be sown directly into the ground in fall or winter they need cold freezing temperatures to awaken the small seeds from dormancy very small seeds instructions included.

40+ Centranthus Jupiter’s Beard Flower Seeds Mix / Sun Or Shade Loving Perennial /drought And Heat Tolerant
35+ Swiss Giant Ullswater Pansy Flower Seeds / Shade Loving Perennial - The flowers are about the size of violets and look best when planted in a group also nice in a container they prefer a shady spot these are perennials in zones 4, 9 easy to grow planting and growing instructions included 35+ seeds. 35+ seedsthe unusual dark velvety blue color of this flower is outstanding these blooms look delicate but are very tough plants this combination of beauty & toughness makes it a desirable treasure in your garden unlike most other members of the viola family, this one is wonderfully fragrant, and it blooms through0ut the summer.
(2) Shade Loving Perennials, Hardy Ferns, Ostrich Tennessee Fern Roots, Plants, Start - This year’s fresh seeds. Moderate growing / 15 feet tall (can be cut back to shrub)l 18 inches wide. Prefers dense shade or dappled shade. Whether used in a border of your garden or in the backgroud, ferns enhance any garden with their grace and beauty in varying shades of green. Zones 3, 9.
50 Foamflower Seeds (tiarella Wherryi) Perennial, Shade Loving, Ground Cover Plant - Our seeds/bulbs are guaranteed to be fresh but are not guaranteed as to results sorry, but there are too many variables in gardening that can impact germination flower seeds/bulbs are a live organism their germination depends on many factor including heat, cooling, sun, shade, moisture, time of sowing, etc none of these things we can control so we can not be held responsible for them so please do not ask for a refund, replacement or to return unused seeds/bulbs. Foamflower (tiarella wherryi), grow this excellent ground cover for shade from foamflower ground cover seeds foamflower plants thrive in cool, shaded areas, especially woodland conditions with humus-rich, moisture retentive soil in dappled to full shade if sited properly, these ground cover plants will keep their foliage all winter long shedding only when the warmer days of spring arrive these heart-shaped foliage flowering ground cover plants are becoming quite popular thanks to their. In the refrigerator for 4, 6 weeks before sowing (moisten a paper towel, place seeds and moist towel in a ziploc bag) after the cold treatment, sow the ground cover seeds directly on the surface of good seed starting mix indoors keep the temperature at 70f and water the seeds from underneath the tray keep the foamflower seeds moist but not saturated transplant seedlings into prepared area after temperatures are consistently warm and danger of frost has passed. Shade tolerance, leaf shape, marked foliage, repeat flowering and light fragrance tiarella wherryi plants form spreading colonies and make excellent groundcovers for shady places individual flowers are small, white or pink, but are formed on dense showy clusters held above the foliage this ground cover plant is stoloniferous and quickly spreads the germination for foamflower seeds tends to be erratic it is recommended to place the tiarella foam flower seeds.
NEW! 25+ PURPLE RHODODENDRUN SEEDS / FLOWERS, SHRUBS, TREES / SHADE LOVING PERENNIAL - 25+ seedsone the easiest to grow from seeds grown in dense shade or dappled shade tolerates a fair amount of sun, but leaves may scorch in hot afternoon sun adaptable and can succeed with less than ideal environmental factors, but it is important to remember that soild should me kept moist. New 25+ purple rhododendrun seeds / flowers, shrubs, trees / shade loving perennial. Growing these beautiful plants is great fun huge, showy purple/white flowers they bloom every other yearone year for bloomingone year for growing normally grow to 15 feet, but can become tree-like growing to 40 feet tall cut back each fall if you prefer shrub-like plants. Medium growth rate can be started indoors in winter (need to be kept in freezer 90 days prior to sowing) to be transplanted outdoors in spring or summer or can be sown directly into the ground in fall or winter they need cold freezing temperatures to awaken the small seeds from dormancy instructions included.
Fairybells / Bellwort (Uvularia grandiflora) Shade loving Perennial !-10 Seeds - Fast growing shade loving plants. Easy to grow groundcover. Evergreen ground cover plants. Perennial zones 5-9 full shade or partial sun grows 12 inches tall easy to grow from seed can be sown into the ground in fall, started indoors in winter, or sown directly into the ground in spring if sown in fall, will bloom the following spring. This easy to grow plant has large captivating bundles of bi-color blooms that are a gorgeous star shapeand the loveliest fragrance hardy giant heads with blossoms that stay beautiful right thru summer’s heat likes shade or partial sun will grow 10 inches tall comes back year after year can be started indoors in winter to be transplanted outdoor in springor can be sown directly into the ground in spring, summer or fall.

40+ Centranthus Red Jupiter’s Beard Flower Seeds / Sun Or Shade Loving Perennial /drought And Heat Tolerant
(3) Shade Loving Perennials, Hardy Ferns, Christmas Fern Roots, Plants, Starts - Whether used in a border of your garden or in the backgroud, ferns enhance any garden with their grace and beauty in varying shades of green. Whether used in a border of your garden or in the backgroud, ferns enhance any garden with their grace and beauty in varying shades of green. Whether used in a border of your garden or in the backgroud, ferns enhance any garden with their grace and beauty in varying shades of green. Whether used in a border of your garden or in the backgroud, ferns enhance any garden with their grace and beauty in varying shades of green. This year’s fresh seeds.
70+ Polemonium, Pearl White Jacob’s Ladder Flower Seeds / Shade Loving Perennial - Grows to 28 inches tall. Easy to grow perennial. Strong, robust plants with fernlike foliage. This year’s fresh seeds. Full shade/ partial shade.

25+ White Dodecatheon Meadia Midlands Shooting Star Perennial / Shade Loving Flower Seeds / Perennial
NEW! 40+ PURPLE RAIN POLEMONIUM JACOB’S LADDER FLOWER SEEDS / SHADE LOVING PERENNIAL - 70+ seeds this is an easy to grow plant, prodiving gorgeous pearl blue flowers throughout the summer this long lasting perennial with the common name “jacob’s ladder” has fern-like foliage it is arched and creates dense mounds from which blue flower spikes protrude upwards. Requires good soil drainage as well as full shade or partial shade has tall stems reaching to 28 incheseach bearing clusters of open or bell-shaped blue flowers with contasting bright yellow stamens can be started inside in winter, or outside in spring, summer or fall instructions included. New 40+ purple rain polemonium jacob’s ladder flower seeds / shade loving perennial.
NEW! 35+ VELVETY BLACK VIOLA FLOWER SEEDS / SHADE LOVING PERENNIAL - Unlike most other members of the viola family, this one is wonderfully fragrant, and it blooms through0ut the summer the flowers are about the size of violets and look best when planted in a group also nice in a container they prefer a shady spot these are perennials in zones 3, 9. 35+ seedsthe unusual velvet black color of this flower is outstanding these blooms look delicate but are very tough plants this combination of beauty & toughness makes it a desirable treasure in your garden. New 35+ velvety black viola flower seeds / shade loving perennial.