15 Oct 2019
21 Top Perennial Daisies for 2019
Shasta Daisy – Perennial, Full Sun Daisy - Marde ross & company has been a licensed california nursery since 1985. Shasta daisy, famous white daisy with yellow center. Sow directly onto garden soil. Non gmo, neonicotinoid-free, 2 oz of fresh seed, 5000+ seeds. 16, 24″ tall full sun perennial, will bloom the year after planting.
~bulk~ Montauk Daisy ~white~ "chrysanthemum Niponicum" *new* 150+perennial Seeds - Detailed planting instructions come with every seed packet. Hand sorted and packed by sidor family. Fresh harvest.
Rudbeckia -kelvedon Star- "gloriosa Daisy" 50+perennial Seeds - Hand-sorted and packed by sidor family. Fresh harvest. Detailed planting instructions come with every seed packet.
6 Plants Daisy Queen ‘becky’ Shasta Daisy – Perennial - Name daisy queen ‘becky’ shasta daisy (leucanthemum ‘becky’ or leucanthemum x superbum, perennial) height 24-36″ spread 24-30″ grow in full sun hardy to -40°f (all zones) intensely pure white petals radiating from a central yellow disk flowers profusely on strong stems from early summer, fall ‘becky’ shasta daisy has been named perennial plant of the year many times by numerous gardening societies they come back every year stronger & bigger you are buying starter plants freshly dug up before shipping (6 count per lot).
Futaba® Pyrethrum Daisy Pyrethrum Cinerariifolium Compositae Perennial Herb 100 Seeds - 66 to 236 inches high. Warm, leeward environment. Good drainage, hypertrophy of the sandy loam. Plenty of sunshine. Flower, fruit period 5 ~ 8months.
Pyrethrum Daisy Perennial Plant Mixed Colors Flower 500 Seeds - Repel aphids, bed bugs (cimex lectularius), leafhoppers, spider mites, harlequin bugs, ticks, pickleworms, and imported cabbage worms, among others, in gardens and farms. Grow to 45 to 100 cm in height. Used as companion plants to repel pest insects from nearby crops and ornamental plants. Plant mature height full sun.
50+ Chrysanthemum Shasta Daisy Perennial Flower Seeds / Deer Resistant/ Gift - Can also be started indoors in winter to be transplanted outdoors in spring (after last winter frost), or sown directly into the ground in summer or fall to prevent over-crowding, divide after three or four years instructions included. Shastas are one of the best daisies to grow from seed makes a great cut flower to prolong the bloom pick flowers off as soon as they fade they do not bloom the first year, but grow slowly to get established it will then be a prolific bloomer in successive years if sown in the fallwill produce flowers the following spring. 50+ seeds easy to grow from seed this shasta daisy is an old-fashioned favorite it is the mainstay in the perennial garden with large white blooms and yellow centers will grow in all regions of north america likes full sun or partial shade will grow to 32 inches tall makes a great cut flower and the butterflies and bees love it ideal for a garden’s edge or are attractive in butterfly gardens with other perennials or annuals.
African Daisy Seeds Osteospermum Ecklonis Mix 50 Seeds (perennial Seeds) - 50 seeds african daisy osteospermum mix. This is for 50 seeds this is the african daisy ecklonis mix. It grows to about 12″ tall and is a mix of colors pink, purple these do like full sun. These open in the morning and they close at night these like hot dry areas and spread well they look good around the house. They have large 2″ daisy like blooms on them these are of the perennial variety.
African Daisy Seeds Osteospermum Ecklonis Mix 50 Seeds ( Perennial Seeds ) - 50 seeds african daisy osteospermum mix.
Alaska Shasta Daisy Perennial – 200 Seeds, 1 G - Shasta daisy seeds. Leucanthemum x superbum (asteraceae). White flowers with yellow center. Organically grown seeds. Perennial flower.
Montauk Daisy ~white~ "chrysanthemum Niponicum" *new* 20+perennial Seeds - Sorted and packed by sidor family. Detailed planting instructions come with every seed packet. Harvested fresh.
Banana Cream Shasta Daisy Proven Winners Quart Pot Perennial - Fast grower. Blooms spring thru fall. Perennial. Low maintenance. Neat habit.
1000 Painted Daisy Seeds Perennial Cut-flowers Pink Red Mid-summer Mix - Spread 18, 24 inches zones 3, 7 (-30° f) height 24, 36 inches shade requirement full sun to partial shade (prefers full sun) special germination instructions requires light to germinate press seed into soil surface, do not cover, keep moist caution some parts of this plant are toxic. Our seeds/bulbs are guaranteed to be fresh but are not guaranteed as to results sorry, but there are too many variables in gardening that can impact germination flower seeds/bulbs are a live organism their germination depends on many factor including heat, cooling, sun, shade, moisture, time of sowing, etc none of these things we can control so we can not be held responsible for them so please do not ask for a refund, replacement or to return unused seeds/bulbs. Pests and the painted daisy plant don’t normally exist in the same area growing painted daisies in select areas around your garden can deter pests from your more valuable surrounding plants the petals and leaves have a naturally occurring component called pyrethrum that repels many bad bugs and browsing animals that are prone to munching on your other flower and vegetable plants. 1000 seeds perennial flower painted daisy chrysanthemum coccineum syn pyrethrum coccineum (tanacetum). Its repellant properties are so beneficial that the petals of the white variety are dried and used in the organic insecticide pyrethrum there are some names for painted daisy that are synonymous and can be confusing tanacetum coccineum and pyrethrum coccineum can both be used in addition to chrysanthemum coccineum.
Daisy Collection – Half Annual, Half Perennial And Sun To Partial Shade - Marde ross & company has been a licensed california nursery since 1985. Sow directly onto garden soil some will bloom the following year. 10 varieties of daisy, half annual, half perennial. Non gmo, neonicotinoid-free, 2 oz of fresh seed, approximately 1000 seeds. Sun to partial shade.
40+ African Daisy Orange Glory Flower Seeds / Perennials - Grow 8 inches. Current year’s fresh seeds. Bright orange color blooms. Full sun/partial shade. Easy to grow perennial.
20+ White & Purple African Daisy Mix Flower Seeds / Perennial - Beautiful purple and white blooms. Full sun / partial shade. Easy to grow perennial. Current year’s fresh seeds. Grows 14 inches.

4000 X Gloriosa Daisy Daisy Seed – Rudbeckia Gloriosa Flower Seeds ~ Perennial Blooms For Cuttings – Returns Year
50+ English Daisy Lipstick Bellis Flower Seeds / Perennial - Beautiful white with red tip blooms. Full sun / partial shade. Current year’s fresh seeds. Grows 6 inches. Easy to grow perennial.
Silver Princess-dwarf "shasta Daisy" Chrysanthemum Maximum 30+perennial Seeds - Fresh harvest. Deailed planting instructions with every seed packet. Hand-sorted and packed by sidor family.
20+ California Giant Gerbera Daisy Flower Seeds Mix / Perennial - This year’s fresh seeds. Perennial zones 8-10. 10-14 inches tall. Full sun or partial shade. Easy to grow from seed.