20 Mar 2019
22 Best Zoysia Grasses in 2019
Compadre Zoysia Grass Seed – 8 Oz. / 1/2 Lb - Compadre zoysia grass is noted for its darker green color and improved density as well as longer lasting green in the fall and earlier green in the spring. Zoysia species and cultivars vary widely in their density, texture, color and other turf grass quality characteristics. New turf seed compadre zoysia grass seed at 1, 2 pounds per 1,000 square feet or 40, 80 lbs/acre for broadcast seeding plant when soil temperature reaches 70 degrees in spring up until a minimum of 10 weeks before frost in fall. .
Zoysia Grass Seeds – Zoysia Tenuifolia – No Mow Lawn -1/8 Lb - The reason for this unsuitability as a lawn is this grass’s very slow growth rate. . Often referred to by different names including no-mow grass, min mow and petting grass , zoysia tenuifolia is more of an ornamental style of grass which can have many different purposes, of which, this grass will not be suitable for use as a general lawn. Zoysia tenuifolia, a very different lawn zoysia tenuifolia is very different from all other zoysia grasses.
Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed (6 Lb.) 100% Pure Seed - Perfect for home and commercial lawns, golf courses and sports fields. Drought tolerant and hardy in both extreme heat and cold. Zenith makes a very dense, dark green, handsome lawn. Each 6 pound bag will cover up to 6,000 square feet. Non-gmo seeds contain no filler and have great germination rate.
Emerald Zoysia (Zoysia Emerald) grass seeds-1/8 lb - Zenith makes a very dense, dark green, handsome lawn. Zoysia species and cultivars vary widely in their density, texture, color and other turfgrass quality characteristics compadre zoysia grass is noted for its darker green color and improved density as well as longer lasting green in the fall and earlier green in the spring. Non-gmo seeds contain no filler and have great germination rate. Each 6 pound bag will cover up to 6,000 square feet. Drought tolerant and hardy in both extreme heat and cold.
The Dirty Gardener Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed – 1 Pound - Non-gmo seeds contain no filler and have great germination rate. Drought tolerant and hardy in both extreme heat and cold. Zenith makes a very dense, dark green, handsome lawn. Perfect for home and commercial lawns, golf courses and sports fields. Each 6 pound bag will cover up to 6,000 square feet.
Compadre Zoysia Grass Seed “100% Pure Seeds Signature Series” 2 Lbs Bulk - Each 6 pound bag will cover up to 6,000 square feet. Non-gmo seeds contain no filler and have great germination rate. Drought tolerant and hardy in both extreme heat and cold. Zenith makes a very dense, dark green, handsome lawn. Zoysia species and cultivars vary widely in their density, texture, color and other turfgrass quality characteristics compadre zoysia grass is noted for its darker green color and improved density as well as longer lasting green in the fall and earlier green in the spring.
Korean Lawngrass Seed – Zoysia japonica Lawn Grass Seeds – Repels Weeds - Zenith makes a very dense, dark green, handsome lawn. Drought tolerant and hardy in both extreme heat and cold. Zoysia species and cultivars vary widely in their density, texture, color and other turfgrass quality characteristics compadre zoysia grass is noted for its darker green color and improved density as well as longer lasting green in the fall and earlier green in the spring. Each 6 pound bag will cover up to 6,000 square feet. Non-gmo seeds contain no filler and have great germination rate.
LIVE Dormant ZOYSIA GRASS ROOTS. A LOW MAINTANENCE CAREFREE LAWN - I will fill a fish shipping bag 6”x15” with my zoysia grass roots and will cover 80/100 sq feet 2 -6” roots will cover 1-sq feet. Hello when you prepare your soil for your new zoysia grass use black topsoil and set your new soil down after that sprinkle with some water and set your roots in the soil and then put another layer over the zoysia grass and water well for at least 1 to 2 weeks or more when it’s really hot humid be sure to keep up with the watering winter shipping of my dormant zoysia grass roots. Hello my zoysia grass roots are now in dormant state and ready to growing in hot weather guaranteed can go back in dormant state where your weather is cold. In fact, some of you may not experience this dormancy at all if you live in a region with mild winters, your lawn will remain lush and super green all year round but if you do experience dormancy, there is no need to worry, once winter is over, your grass will be back in no time at all, without any effort needed from you. This is healthy, and a part of the grass’ process zoysia’s ability to go dormant in winter helps it withstand colder temperatures, while still allowing it to come back lush every spring and remain green even in the full heat of summer.
Scotts Turf Builder Zoysia Grass Seed & Mulch And Spreader Bundle - Scotts easy hand-held broadcast spreader. Scotts turf builder zoysia grass seed & mulch.
Compadre Zoysia Grass Seed "100% Pure Seeds Signature Series" 1 Lb. Bulk - Compadre zoysia grass is noted for its darker green color and improved density as well as longer lasting green in the fall and earlier green in the spring.
Scotts Turf Builder Zoysia Grass Seed & Mulch - Thrives in heat, drought, partial shade & colder temperatures. Grows a tough, durable, low-maintenance lawn. 999% weed free. Contains a combination of grass seed and mulch. Only intended for sale in southern markets. Coverage up to 2,000 sq ft.
Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed – 6 Lbs. - Zenith zoysia grass seed, 6 lbs. 0.
Emerald Zoysia (zoysia Emerald) Grass Seeds 1/2 Lb - Zoysia grasses are perhaps the most beautiful warm season lawn grasses. Emerald zoysia is also a fine-textured, and dark green turfgrass. It is wear resistant to foot traffic. Emerald grows in full sun but also has good shade tolerance. Zoysia grasses become dormant (turn brown) in cold weather and are commonly over seeded with ryegrass to maintain green winter color. Zoysia (emerald)- a beautiful lawn grass that adapts to a wide variety of soils, has good wear resistance, and provides an extremely dense sod which reduces weed invasion. It is slow to spread, but once established, it crowds out weeds. Emerald was released by the usda and the georgia agricultural station in 1955. Emerald is very drought and cold tolerant. Zoysia grass, while not trouble free, is a terrific, versatile variety.
Zoysia Grass Seed Blend (500 Sqft) - Seeding rate 2 lbs / 1000 sqft.

Evergreen lawn Japanese Zoysia grass seeds Drought and resistance to trampling Warm-season for home garden plant 100g / Pack
Pennington Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed With Mulch 5 Lbs - Using a standard lawn mower, mow the dead grass close to the ground allowing the clippings to remain on the ground as a mulch cover. 9% weed-freepenkoted for seedling protection planting and growing instructions new seeding method 1 prepare the soil for seeding by tilling then smoothing and raking the lawn to the point of having a smooth, firm seedbed. Pennington zenith zoysia grass seed with mulchspreading, sun-loving grass that stays green later into fall compared to other zoysia varietiesexcellent traffic tolerance and good drought tolerancedevelops a dense weed-resistant turf99. Wait approximately 7 days to ensure all grass is killed. Lightly rake the seedbed to cover the seed and the mulch no more than 1/4” deep. The seed and mulch are blended to give the correct seeding rate for each of the two components. Aerate the area thoroughly using a checkerboard pattern. Mulch the seeded area lightly with wheat straw or pine straw. Water daily for 30 days, keeping the seedbed moist at all times. Plant the seed as directed in methods 1 or 2, then aerate or rake lightly to cover the seed. Wait approximately 7 days after the final spraying and plant grass seed & mulch according to the coverage rate on the package, making certain the seed and mulch are spread evenly across the area. On poor soils or in unfavorable growing conditions, it may take two growing seasons to completely form a sod. New seeding method 2 spray the existing grass with a nonselective herbicide labeled for lawn use. Plant one bag of grass seed & mulch mixture according to the coverage rate on the package. On spots not completely dead, respray with herbicide. Overseeding method an alternate method of seeding is to mow the lawn closely, then aerate the lawn well with a spike aerator or similar tool. Water daily for 30 days, keeping the seedbed moist at all times. The grass plants will emerge, and over a period of one growing season should form a sod.

50 X Korean Lawngrass Seed – Zoysia Japonica – Lawn Grass Seeds – For Golf Courses – Repels Weeds – Forms Dense
Scotts 18362 Turf Builder Zoysia Grass Seed & Mulch (6 Pack) - Thrives in heat, drought, partial shade & colder temperatures. Coverage up to 2,000 sq ft. Grows a tough, durable, low-maintenance lawn.
Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed (2 Lbs.) 100% Pure Seed - Zenith zoysia from patten seed is 100% pure seed (no mulch), you get the actual 2 lbs of seed. Zenith makes a very dense, dark green, handsome lawn that’s drought tolerant, cold hardy, and tolerant of extreme heat. Each 2 lb bag will cover up to 2,000 square feet. Shade tolerant widely adaptable to full sun or light shade. Special note in zones 8 and lower (ie colder), it’s too late in the season to have success planting zenith zoysia seeds wait to plant until spring, after danger of last spring frost.

1 oz (3,500+ Seeds) Korean Lawngrass Seed – Zoysia japonica – Lawn Grass Seeds – For GOLF COURSES – Repels Weeds – Forms Dense Mats And Even Mounds – Zone 6 and UP
Scotts Turf Builder Zoysia Grass Seed & Mulch And Starter Food For New Grass Bundle - Scotts turf builder zoysia grass seed & mulch. Scotts turf builder starter food for new grass 1m, 3 lb.