24 Oct 2018
Best Pond Paint out of top 20 2018
Pond Armor SKU-GRAY-QT-R Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 1.5-Quart, Gray - Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings.
Pond Armor SKU-SKYBLUE-QT-R Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 1.5-Quart, Sky Blue - Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings.
Pond Armor SKU-WHITE-3GA Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 3-Gallon, White - Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain.
Pond Armor SKU-GRAY-3GA Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 3-Gallon, Gray - Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings.
Pond Armor SKU-TAN-3GA Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 3-Gallon, Tan - Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings. Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours.
Pond Armor SKU-CLEAR-3GA Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 3-Gallon, Clear - Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain.
Pond Armor SKU-FGREEN-3GA Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 3-Gallon, Forest Green - Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings.
Pond, Fountain & Marine Paint – 2-Part Acrylic Epoxy – Interior Exterior – 1 Quart Kit – White - Indoor, outdoor and underwater protection, non-toxic, safe for plants and fish. Ponds, lakes, fountains, aquafarming, bird baths, aqueducts, water storage, holding tanks. Designed for concrete, gunite, plaster and fiberglass. 1 quart covers up to 75 square feet. 2 part epoxy — water based acrylic.
Pond Armor SKU-BLACK-GA Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 1.5-Gallon, Black - Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings. Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe.
Pond Armor SKU-FGREEN-GA Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 1.5-Gallon, Forest Green - Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions.
Pond Armor SKU-CLEAR-GA Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 1.5-Gallon, Clear - Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings.
Pond Armor SKU-SKYBLUE-GA Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 1.5-Gallon, Sky Blue - Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings. Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours.
Pond Armor SKU-CLEAR-QT-R Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 1.5-Quart, Clear - Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe.

Pond, Fountain & Marine Paint – 2-Part Acrylic Epoxy – Interior Exterior – 1 Gallon Kit – Calming Blue
Pond Armor SKU-CBLUE-3GA Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 3-Gallon, Competition Blue - Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings. Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours.
Pond Armor SKU-SKYBLUE-3GA Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 3-Gallon, Sky Blue - Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain.
Pond Armor SKU-WHITE-QT-R Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 1.5-Quart, White - Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe.
Pond Armor SKU-BLACK-3GA Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 3-Gallon, Black - Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings. Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions.
Pond Armor SKU-TAN-GA Non-Toxic Pond Shield Epoxy Paint, 1.5-Gallon, Tan - Self priming formula allows for reliable adhesion for a finished surface that is easy to maintain. Water proof formula suitable for use in a wide range of climatic environments from hot to freeze/thaw conditions. Specifically designed for underwater use and to be non toxic and fish and plant safe. Can be put into service in as little as 24 hours. Can be applied to any constructed surface made of wood metal or stone as well as most plastics and other coatings.