09 Oct 2018
Coolest 17 Wood Chunks in 2018
J.c.’s Smoking Wood Chunks – Gallon Sized Bag – Grape - Made from virgin hardwood trees from central iowa and missouri. Smoking chunks for grilling, use in your smoker box or just add to your gas or charcoal grill.
CharcoalStore Alder Smoking Wood Chunks – No Bark (5 Pounds) - Most commonly used in the pacific northwest. . Alder is an excellent mild flavored smoking wood which is frequently used for fish.
J.c.’s Smoking Wood Chunks – Gallon Sized Bag – Wild Black Cherry - Smoking chunks for grilling, use in your smoker box or just add to your gas or charcoal grill. Made from virgin hardwood trees from central iowa and missouri.

Cherry Wood Cooking Chunks- BBQ Wood Chunks for Grilling and Smoking- Large Bag by Camerons Products
CharcoalStore Cherry Smoking Wood Chunks – No Bark (5 Pounds) - It’s a very nice complimentary flavor when used with red meat or wild game. . Cherry chunks have a sweet smoke which is a bit stronger than apple and peach.
Smokehouse Products All Natural Flavored Wood Smoking Chunks, 12 Pack Assorted Flavors - Assortment is compiled of 4 hickory, 2 apple, 2 mesquite, 2 alder and 2 cherry. This assortment is designed to give you all the options needed for many smokes to come. Fuel is essential for any smoking adventure.
Western 78055 Hickory Cooking Wood Chunks - 100% natural. Kiln dried made in the usa. 1/3 cu ft. Fist sized chunks. Made in the usa.
Charcoalstore Apple Smoking Wood Chunks – Bark (5 Pounds) - Small cut apple chunks. Small chunk size usable in outdoor grills or smokers.
J.C.’s Smoking Wood Chunks – Gallon Sized bag – Hickory - Smoking chunks for grilling, use in your smoker box or just add to your gas or charcoal grill. Made from virgin hardwood trees from central iowa and missouri.
Montana Grilling Gear Wch10-sm Gear Smoking And Cooking Wood Chunks, Sugar Maple - Can be used as a heat source or a flavor enhancer. Adds smoky flavor to your favorite barbequed foods. 100% organic and pesticide free, safe for use on your grill. 100% dust free. Made for use directly on a charcoal grill or smoker.
J.c.’s Smoking Wood Chunks – Gallon Sized Bag – Apple - Made from virgin hardwood trees from central iowa and missouri. Smoking chunks for grilling, use in your smoker box or just add to your gas or charcoal grill.
Hickory Wood Cooking Chunks- Bbq Wood Chunks For Grilling And Smoking- Small Bag - Due to natural variations in wood density and chip size, bag weights will vary. Hickory wood chips for things such as brisket, ribs and any type of meat using a bbq sauce. Soak wood chunks for 20 minutes and place on hot coals for maximum flavor. Bag weighs approximately 5 pounds. Robust and full in flavor.
Montana Grilling Gear WCH10-DEH Gear Smoking and Cooking Wood Chunks, Hickory - Made for use directly on a charcoal grill or smoker. 100% organic and pesticide free, safe for use on your grill. Adds smoky flavor to your favorite barbequed foods. Can be used as a heat source or a flavor enhancer. 100% dust free.
GrillPro 00201 Mesquite Wood Chunks - They give your food a great natural wood smoke flavor. . Grillpro’s mesquite wood chunks are made for use in charcoal grills and in smokers. These mesquite wood chunks come in a 5-pound bag with handles. Get the best smoke flavor with grillpro’s wood chunks.
Western 78057 Oak Cooking Wood Chunks - Made in the usa. Kiln dried made in the usa. 1/3 cu ft. 100% natural. Fist sized chunks.
Char-broil 9489375 Cherry Wood Chunks, 18-pound - Ideal for beef, poultry and pork. Packaged in a 19 lb bag. All natural wood chunks, no additives. Slightly sweet and smoky flavor.