06 Sep 2019
Top 15 Suction Pool Cleaners for 2019
Gator AutoSkim – Automatic Pool Cleaner, Skimmer & Clarifier – Suction Skimmer for Pools - Easy to install and operate simply connects to the pool hose 2 to 3 segments from the automatic pool cleaner (apc). Gator auto-skim operates with virtually all automatic suction type pool cleaners on the market. Moves randomly along your pool surface collecting leaves and debris. Gator auto-skim operates effectively at any water level, and in any type or shape of pool, ie in concrete, fiber glass and vinyl pools, above and below ground.

Berucci Extra Large Capacity 17″ Pool Cleaner Leaf Trap Canister with Basket and Hose Connector Used for Zodiac Baracuda and Other Suction Types Pool Cleaners – Comes with Instructions
Zodiac X7 Baracuda Quattro Suction Pool Cleaner - It connects directly to skimmer or dedicated 1. This baracuda quattro is a premium suction-side cleaner with dura-life diaphragm technology and operates in all inground pools. . Includes 36-feet of feed hose. 5-inch vacuum line.

Hayward Poolvergnuegen 896584000-518 The PoolCleaner Automatic 2-Wheel Suction Cleaner for Concrete Pools

Hayward Axv605whp White Bumper Replacement For Hayward Navigator Automatic Suction In-ground Pool Cleaner
Hayward 925adc Navigator Pro Automatic Suction Pool Cleaner For Gunite Pools - Enhanced suction path designed for efficient, faster debris pickup. Unmatched pool coverage with smartdrive® steering. Easy to use, connects in less than 10 minutes, no tools required. Over 30 years of proven and reliable suction cleaner technology.

Pentair K70181 Purple Flow Valve Replacement Kreepy Krauly Automatic Pool And Spa Suction Side Cleaner

Baracuda R0525000 Scrubber Assembly Replacement For Baracuda Mx8 Suction-side In-ground Pool Cleaner
Zodiac Baracuda W01099 1500 Above Ground Swimming Pool Suction-side Pool Cleaner - One-year warranty against all manufacturer’s defects and wear & tear, includes the pool cleaner’s hoses. Super easy to hook up and use unit comes pre-assembled, just attach the included hoses and drop this pool cleaner into the pool connecting the hose to your pools skimmer through the wall skimmer. Efficiently cleans any above ground pool, including pools with dished-out bottoms up to six inches deep. Includes 30 ft of hose. Cleans your above ground pool’s entire floor and cove.
Baracuda R0524900 Mx8 Engine Assembly For Pool Suction Cleaner - Mx8 cleaner compatible. Get ready for the pool season with preventative maintained on your pool equipment. Part number r0524900.
Generic Kreepy Krauly In-Ground Suction-Side Swimming Pool Cleaner - All you need is at least a. The generic kreepy krauly is designed for any size (up to 20’x40′) pool and shape. Built to last for years, and based on the best-selling design, will clean the hardiest of pools. 75 hp to operate the cleaner. Our generic kreepy krauly is built for those economical customers who are looking to save some money and clean their pool at the same time.
Xvac Automatic In-ground Suction Pool Cleaner with new design - All parts are replaceable and available for purchase separately. Comes with one year manufacturer warranty. The xvac pool cleaner is one of the only affordable cleaners with replacement parts to make it the last cleaner you ever buy. The x-vac is the first in a modern line of affordable pool cleaners. . Only one moving part. Similar in design to the zodiac barracuda with no expensive parts to replace. Manufactured for both its sturdy build and reliable efficiency, the x-vac works to remove sand, silt, dirt, debris, bugs, leaves, and twigs from swimming pool floor and steps.
Generic Replacement Kreepy Krauly Pool Vacuum Cleaner Generic Suction Pool Cleaner Regulator Valve - . Generic suction pool cleaner regulator valve for use with most popular suction pool cleaners this valve regulates the suction flow of the pool cleaner which will allow the cleaner to operate or run at a pre-determined suction speed and and can be adjusted to minimize or maximize the cleaners suction. Simple connects into you pool skimmer by using a standard 1-1/2″ female pool cleaner hose a 1-1/2″ hose cone adaptor (not included) use for the kreepy krauly, baracuda and all suction regulated pool cleaners.
Kokido Leaf Canister for Automatic Suction Swimming Pool Cleaner | AC05CBX - Reduces the need to clean the strainer basket, the skimmer, filter, and pump. Connects between standard hoses of any automatic pool cleaner. Traps leaves, twigs, hair, and pebbles before they get to the pool pump or filter. Clear plastic construction allows user to see if emptying is required without needing to open the canister. Prolongs the life of the pump and motor by preventing clogging.

SkimmerMotion – The Automatic Pool Cleaner, Skimmer & Clarifier – Suction Skimmer for Pools Up to 8 Ft deep