11 Jun 2018
Top 16 Best Perennial Ground Covers 2018
Helianthemum Crown -Mixed-“Rock Rose” – 25+Perennial Groundcover Seeds - This selections has pink, yellow, white and red flowers, over mound of silver-grey foliage, bloom in early summer. Plants must have very good drainage, particularly trough winter. Trim plants lightly with hedge shears immediately after blooming, to prevent opening up in the middle. Grow 6-12″ tall and 12-18″ spread in full sun or part shade. Perennial in 4-9. All our plants are organically grown seeds are fresh, hand sorted and packed by sidor family this evergreen flowering plants are exellent for growing in rock garden, or front of a hot, sunny border.
200 Sedum voodoo seeds,Perennial ,Groundcover / Rock Garden,Stonecrop - Flowering red clover is as cute as it is functional. Grows well in heavier, well-drained soils, avoid dry and sandy soils. Produces small, reddish-pink blooms atop fern-like foliage. Helps loosen soil, boost its nitrogen levels and helps prevent soil erosion. Popular forage plant for cattle, horses and wildlife.
Garden Plant 10 Seeds Genui Perennial Ground Cover Linaria Alpina Alpine Toadflax heirloom seeds - Plant creeping thyme in rock gardens, walls, bare spots in sunny beds and borders, and just about anywhere that needs some quick, permanent coverage this is a low-growing wildflower is used as a flowering ground cover plant creeping thyme tolerates dry soil and needs little care after it is established it self-sows readily, dropping it seeds after flowering season is over and then this new seed sprouts the next spring keep a robust stand of creeping thyme ground cover thriving. Seeds genuine perennial ground cover linaria alpina alpine toadflax flower seeds. Creeping thyme (thymus serpyllum) robust, long-blooming beauty of the more expensive plant varieties well, this creeping thyme ground cover has swept all that away this super-vigorous, lemon-scented, brightly-flowered variety spreads 18 inches in no time in the sunny garden, giving you months of deep purple/lavender blooms and heavenly fragrance for mere pennies. Grow in well-drained soil in full sun thyme dislikes wet foliage, so surrounding the plant with a layer of gravel can help thisthis variety is often planted near vegetables to help control flea beetles and several cabbage pests.
Yellow STAR-GRASS Wildflower “Hypoxis Hirsuta” `NEW` 20+Perennial Groundcover Seeds - Flowers are somewhat green on the outside, and resemble the flowers of much larger amryllis. All our plants are organicali grownyellow star-grass is native to north america where it grows in eastern north dacota, and in meadows and woods from maine to texas. Groww 6-12″ tall in full sun or part shade. . Short plant produces 1/2″ bright-yellow star-shaped flowers. The plant produces slender, grasslike leaves that are rich olive green. Flowers appear in the summer, opening in the morning and fading by end of the day. Perennial in zones 5-8.
500 Antennaria Seeds – White – Pussytoes, Cats Paws,perennial Ground Cover Plant - Pussytoes white (antennaria dioica), starting antennaria dioica seeds is a great way to establish a large amount of these perennial ground cover plants if you are looking for a durable plant that can survive hot, dry, full sun, and poor soil conditions, than you have found the right ground cover plant antennaria dioica is also known as pussytoes, and it forms a very low, creeping mat of tiny, bright silvery-grey leaves with fuzzy white flowers which will bloom towards the end of spring. Our seeds/bulbs are guaranteed to be fresh but are not guaranteed as to results sorry, but there are too many variables in gardening that can impact germination flower seeds/bulbs are a live organism their germination depends on many factor including heat, cooling, sun, shade, moisture, time of sowing, etc none of these things we can control so we can not be held responsible for them so please do not ask for a refund, replacement or to return unused seeds/bulbs. Antennaria is a genus of herbaceous perennial plants in the family asteraceae, native to temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, with one species in temperate southern south america the highest species diversity is in north america. Antennaria seeds can be started indoors 6, 8 weeks before the last expected frost or directly started outdoors after frost danger has passed pussytoes seeds should be pressed into the soil but not cover keep the ground cover seeds moist until germination occurs antennaria ground cover plants work well in sunny locations including rock gardens, mass ground cover plantings, in between flagstones, and on top of rock walls. Simply plant the antennaria seeds, where you want a beautiful carpet of drought tolerant ground cover plants.

100pcs/bag Creeping Thyme Seeds or Blue ROCK CRESS Seeds – Perennial Ground cover flower ,Natural growth for home garden
100 PINK PUSSYTOES SEEDS – Antennaria “Rubra” Perennial Ground Cover Plant - Pussytoes, another name for antennaria dioica, tolerates both dry and moist conditions, as long as excellent drainage is available antennaria dioica rubra, forms a very low, creeping mat of tiny, bright silvery-grey leaves with fuzzy red flowers which will bloom towards the end of spring and last until the middle of summer. Antennaria seeds are simple to grow for an attractive perennial ground cover this image from heritage perennials shows a ground cover plant that can survive hot, dry, full sun, and poor soil conditions not too many plants can do this, but antennaria ground cover plants can and will. 100 pink pussytoes seeds, antennaria “rubra” perennial ground cover plant.
50+ Aubrieta Rock Cress Bright Red Perennial Flower Seeds / Ground Cover - Easy to grow from seed. Can be started indoors in winter to be transplanted outdoors in spring. An evergreen perennial ground cover with irridescent, bright red flowers. Instructions included. . An incredible performer, producing masses of blooms. Likes full sun or partial shade. Or can be sown directly into the ground in spring and summer.
75+ Perennial Groundcover + Flower Seeds – Moss Verbena – “Violet” - “Moss verbena”, is a short, creeping perennial that is very drought and heat tolerant it’s a fast growing ground cover that looks great in rock gardens, and can fill bare spots in your yard quickly moss verbena best suited for warmer climates, in more northern locations in the usa, it’s described as an annual plant moss verbena seeds a location in full sun not fussy about the type of soil, moss verbena will grow in just about any soil conditions as long as it’s well-draining moss verbena rarely requires watering after they are established draw butterflies and other wildlife to your yard with this easy to grow moss verbena groundcover. 75+ moss verbena seeds “violet” (verbena tenuisecta). Height, 6″, 12″ spread, 36″, 72″ zones 6, 10. These moss verbena seeds were harvested in 2014 for the 2015 growing season comes with complete planting & growing instructions.
PURPLE CREEPING THYME Herb Seeds 65++ Perennial Ground Cover WALK ON ME PLANT - Plant creeping thyme in rock gardens, walls, bare spots in sunny beds and borders, and just about anywhere that needs some quick, permanent coverage this is a low-growing wildflower is used as a flowering ground cover plant creeping thyme tolerates dry soil and needs little care after it is established it self-sows readily, dropping it seeds after flowering season is over and then this new seed sprouts the next spring keep a robust stand of creeping thyme ground cover thriving. Creeping thyme (thymus serpyllum) robust, long-blooming beauty of the more expensive plant varieties well, this creeping thyme ground cover has swept all that away this super-vigorous, lemon-scented, brightly-flowered variety spreads 18 inches in no time in the sunny garden, giving you months of deep purple/lavender blooms and heavenly fragrance for mere pennies. Grow in well-drained soil in full sun thyme dislikes wet foliage, so surrounding the plant with a layer of gravel can help thisthis variety is often planted near vegetables to help control flea beetles and several cabbage pests. International shipping is at your own risk as you should know if you get your seeds.
SEDUM-Creeping Red/Dragons Blood “Stonecrop” 50 Perennial Ground Cover Seeds - Red stonecrop ground cover creates a dense mat 3, 5 inches tall that spreads quickly within contained regions. Perennial zone 3-10. All our plants are organically grown sedum ground cover plants are exceptionally tolerant of heat and drought and also tolerate to cold and humidity. Low growing sedum is used for containers, borders, edging and as a dense spreading ground cover plant. Perennial sedum plants are great in rock gardens as they will grow in shallow, poor soil and perform well. Red stonecrop sedum is a fast growing ground cover with brilliant red flowers in late summer. You don’t have to worry about it spreading to unwanted areas outside of where you want sedum ground cover plants the sedum dragon’s blood plant will tolerate poor, dry soil. It is a succulent with needle-like leaves that turn an orange-red color in fall. The sedum dragon’s blood plant is easy to remove by simply pulling it out as it is shallow rooted.
1000 seeds – Saponaria Ocymoides -Rock Soapwort Seeds, Pink Flowers- Perennial Ground cover ! - How to grow rock soapwort from seed rock soapwort can be directly seeded into your garden, or seeded indoors for transplanting later sow soapwort seeds early in the season and cover very lightly with soil or, broadcast spread the saponaria seeds, and rake them into the soil lightly. Water lightly after seeding rock soapwort prefers light, well-draining soil, and a sunny setting saponaria care once saponaria plants are established, they should grow well for years with almost no maintenance water them 1, 2 times a week during dry periods, and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every month or two. It also works nicely in containers and in hanging baskets saponaria soapwort is a fast-growing ground cover that will readily re-seeds itself, and it has semi-evergreen foliage trimming the rock soapwort back after the blooms are spent keeps the plant tidy and helps to keep the re-seeding to a minimum. Saponaria (saponaria ocymoides rose-pink), also known as rock soapwort, this perennial forms a dense carpet of rose-pink blooms saponaria ground cover will provide a superior flowering, low-growing, low-maintenance plant, and it is easily grown by sowing saponaria seeds saponaria ocymoides soapwort is an ideal selection for hanging over walls or crevices, beds, borders, and gardens. 1000 seeds, saponaria ocymoides -rock soapwort seeds, pink flowers- perennial ground cover .

100+ Cerastium “Snow in Summer” Flower Seeds / Perennial Ground Cover / Drought Tolerant / Deer Resistant
200 Pink Pussytoes Seeds – Antennaria “Rubra” Perennial Ground Cover Plant - Antennaria plants can be divided and moved to other locations to keep the antennaria looking its best, cut or mow off flower stems after blooming. Antennaria works great in many sunny or partial shade locations including rock gardens, mass ground cover plantings, in between flagstones, or on top of rock walls simply plant the antennaria seeds where you want a beautiful carpet of drought tolerant ground cover plants with red blooms antennaria seeds can be started indoors 6, 8 weeks before the end of frost season and then transplanted outside once temperatures are consistently warm for areas with long growing seasons, antennaria ground cover seeds can be started directly outside in a prepared seedbed press the pussytoes seeds into the soil but do not cover them, and maintain moisture until germination occurs. Pussytoes (antennaria dioica rubra), antennaria seeds are simple to grow for an attractive perennial ground cover this image from heritage perennials shows a ground cover plant that can survive hot, dry, full sun, and poor soil conditions not too many plants can do this, but antennaria ground cover plants can and will pussytoes, another name for antennaria dioica, tolerates both dry and moist conditions, as long as excellent drainage is available antennaria dioica rubra, forms a very low, creeping mat of tiny, bright silvery-grey leaves with fuzzy red flowers which will bloom towards the end of spring and last until the middle of summer.
Creeping Thyme Seeds – Magic Carpet – Thymus Serpyllum- Perennial Ground Cover ! by wbut2023 - Aubrieta hybria, also calls rock cress, is a perennial herb it flowers large amount of purpler flower in spring the plant height is shorter, only 4″ to 6″ height, but plant width can extend to 12″ to 23″ this growth feature could easily become a perfect ground cover plant. Adapts to full or partial sun and or full or partial shade will grow happily just about anywhererocky and sandy places, waste plainsif you have a problem areathese will do well tender perennials which re-seed hardy zones 3-9 sow indoors jan-mar / outdoors after last frost germinates in 2-5 days will grow to a height of 12-14 inches excellent for their fragrance, attracting butterflies and long lasting flowers will grow all year round in warm climates. Creeping thyme seeds, magic carpet, thymus serpyllum- perennial ground cover .