12 Oct 2019
Top 25 for Best Exotic Succulent 2019
Haworthia Attenuata, Zebra Zebrina Exotic Rare Succulent Cactus Plant Cacti 4" - Cactus and succulents are pretty and very easy to grow, just sun and water ones a week, hard to kill plants, the plant for sale is similar to the one on picture and will be shipped bare roots, title say 2″ 4″ or 6″ pot for reference of the size of the plant, the pot or soil are not included, all our plants are free shipping and shipped bare roots (no pot or soil are included) because we consider is safe and cheap, if you want a plant with pot and soil will cost extra $1200, free shipping is for items weight less than 13 oz and any plant shipped with pot and soil will past the usps limit.

Donkey Ears – Kalanchoe Gastonis-bonnieri, Sold By Exotic Cactus Plant Exotic Succulents Seed 50 Seeds + Bonus
COLOR ECHEVERIA mix, rare exotic succulent HEN & CHICKS flowering seed 100 seeds - Water for seedlings is the most important item to keep them growing for first few weeks generally, most seedlings, which are 1 week old will die after 3 days of dryness 2 month-old seedlings can survive for 1 week if allowed to dry 6 month-old seedlings can survive for 2 months if allowed to dry 1 year-old seedlings can survive for 5 months if allowed to dry. Interesting shape and color, lots of species and varieties mixed, the package have all seeds mixed not individual labeled, seeds are super tiny but easy to grow from seeds,. Color echeveria mix, rare exotic succulent hen & chicks flowering seed 100 seeds. Cactus seedlings are very fragile on the first weeks and survival depends on how they are treated on that crucial stage out of 100 of seeds in the wild only a few survive to an adult plant to produce seeds and start the cycle again obtaining a high percentage of adult plants from a batch of seedlings, depends on how each collector takes care of their seedlings. Seeds are like brown powder, not easy to handle but easy to grow after place them on wet soil,.

Frithia Pulchra, Sold By Exotic Cactus Living Stone Cactus Cacti Exotic Rare Succulents Seed 30 Seeds Package
Lithops Optica Rubra Rare Mesembs Exotic Succulent Living Stones Cactus 15 Seeds - During winter a new leaf pair, or occasionally more than one, grows inside the existing fused leaf pair in spring the old leaf pair parts to reveal the new leaves and the old leaves will then dry up lithops leaves may shrink and disappear below ground level during drought lithops in habitat almost never have more than one leaf pair per head, the environment is just too arid to support this yellow or white flowers emerge from the fissure between the leaves after the new leaf pair has fully matured, one per leaf pair this is usually in autumn, but can be before the summer equinox in l pseudotruncatella and after the winter equinox in l optica the flowers are often sweetly scented the most startling adaptation of lithops is the colouring of the leaves the leaves are not green as in almost all higher plants, but various shades of cream, grey, and brown, patterned with darker windowed areas, dots, and red lines the markings on the top surface disguise the plant in its surroundings. Rainfall in lithops habitats ranges from approximately 700mm/year to near zero rainfall patterns range from exclusively summer rain to exclusively winter rain, with a few species relying almost entirely on dew formation for moisture temperatures are usually hot in summer and cool to cold in winter, but one species is found right at the coast with very moderate temperatures year round lithops are popular novelty house plants and many specialist succulent growers maintain collections they are relatively easy to grow if given sufficient sun and a suitable well drained-soil. Lithops are obligate outcrossers and require pollination from a separate plant like most mesembs, lithops fruit is a dry capsule that opens when it becomes wet some seeds may be ejected by falling raindrops, and the capsule re-closes when it dries out capsules may also sometimes detach and be distributed intact, or may disintegrate after several years lithops occur naturally across wide areas of namibia and south africa, as well as small bordering areas in botswana and possibly angola, from sea level to high mountains nearly a thousand individual populations are documented, each covering just a small area of dry grassland, veld, or bare rocky ground different lithops species are preferentially found in particular environments, usually restricted to a particular type of rock lithops have not naturalised outside this region. Lithops is a genus of succulent plants native to southern africa “lithos” means “stone” and “-ops” means “face” in ancient greek therefore “lithops” means “stone-like” this is a very good description of these plants, which avoid being eaten by blending in with surrounding rocks they are often known as pebble plants or living stones the formation of the name from the greek “-ops” means that even a single plant is called a lithops individual lithops plants consist of one or more pairs of bulbous, almost fused leaves opposite to each other and hardly any stem the slit between the leaves contains the meristem and produces flowers and new leaves the leaves of lithops are mostly buried below the surface of the soil, with a partially or completely translucent top surface or window allowing light to enter the interior of the leaves for photosynthesis. Ackage of 15 seeds, living stones lithops optica v rubra interesting shape and color, the seeds were took this season, we have a lot of extremely rare cactus if you want something rare let me know and i will listing for you questions feel free to email me.
Hatiora Salicornioides, Exotic Rare Succulent Plant Cacti Cactus Bonsai Outdoor Agave 2" - Cactus and succulents are pretty and very easy to grow, just sun and water ones a week, hard to kill plants, the plant for sale is similar to the one on picture and will be shipped bare roots, title say 2″ 4″ or 6″ pot for reference of the size of the plant, the pot or soil are not included, all our plants are free shipping and shipped bare roots (no pot or soil are included) because we consider is safe and cheap, if you want a plant with pot and soil will cost extra $1200, free shipping is for items weight less than 13 oz and any plant shipped with pot and soil will past the usps limit.

Living Stones Variety Mix, Sold By Exotic Cactus, Rocks Stone Cactus Cacti Exotic Rare Succulents Seed 50 Seeds
~ Anacampseros Papyracea Avonia ~ Exotic Succulent ~ Rare Cactus ~10 Fresh Seeds - This species is the most common, largest and stoutest of theavonia group. The flowers are very small whitish-green and solitary, they last less than an hour, and are so unobtrusively that it is very difficult to recognized them as flower. It has minute green leaves which are each protected and hidden by very closely imbricated and pure white, papery stipule, a characteristic of the avonia genus. The botanical name anacampseros is an ancient one for herbs supposed to restore lost love. These unusual, plants have relatively large diameter stems (5-6 mm) compared with other members of the genus and develop a mass of miniature branching erect or creeping stems (maximum size 5-10 (15) cm long). Anacampseros is a genus consisting of a number of species of small perennial succulent plants, native to south africa with one species from australia. This bright white scales certainly reflect a large fraction of the visible solar radiation contributing to protect the plants from the blazing sun of their bare habitat. When grown from seed, produces branches from the top of tuber-like roots pulled down into the ground.
EUPHORBIA TORTILIS, African Milk Tree rare spilralis plant exotic succulent 4″ - Cactus seedlings are very fragile on the first weeks and survival depends on how they are treated on that crucial stage out of 100 of seeds in the wild only a few survive to an adult plant to produce seeds and start the cycle again obtaining a high percentage of adult plants from a batch of seedlings, depends on how each collector takes care of their seedlings. Note this is a very nice choice for a succulents gardens. Water for seedlings is the most important item to keep them growing for first few weeks generally, most seedlings, which are 1 week old will die after 3 days of dryness 2 month-old seedlings can survive for 1 week if allowed to dry 6 month-old seedlings can survive for 2 months if allowed to dry 1 year-old seedlings can survive for 5 months if allowed to dry. Euphorbia tortilis, african milk tree rare spilralis plant exotic succulent 4″. This beautiful healthy plant is a great piece for your collection, easy to keep even for beginners, don’t miss this one, the showing pot is 4″ and you’ll received a similar size and shape, the plant will shipping bare root.
Conophytum Minimum Wittebergense rare mesembs exotic succulent stones 100 SEEDS - Water for seedlings is the most important item to keep them growing for first few weeks generally, most seedlings, which are 1 week old will die after 3 days of dryness 2 month-old seedlings can survive for 1 week if allowed to dry 6 month-old seedlings can survive for 2 months if allowed to dry 1 year-old seedlings can survive for 5 months if allowed to dry. Seeds are like brown powder, not easy to handle but easy to grow after place them on wet soil,. Cactus seedlings are very fragile on the first weeks and survival depends on how they are treated on that crucial stage out of 100 of seeds in the wild only a few survive to an adult plant to produce seeds and start the cycle again obtaining a high percentage of adult plants from a batch of seedlings, depends on how each collector takes care of their seedlings. Interesting shape and color, lots of species and varieties mixed, the package have all seeds mixed not individual labeled, seeds are super tiny but easy to grow from seeds,. Color echeveria mix, rare exotic succulent hen & chicks flowering seed 100 seeds.
Donkey Ears – Kalanchoe Gastonis-bonnieri Plant Exotic Succulents Seed -15 Seeds - Condition new and high quality. Package included 100 pcs seeds. Super tiny seeds but easy to grow seeds are super tiny but easy to grow after place it on wet soil. Ship from hong kong and it takes 14-20 days to arrive us customer. Seeding season all seasons.

Titanopsis Mix, Sold By Exotic Cactus Succulent Cactus Mixed Living Stones Rocks Plant Seed 50 Seeds
Huernia Mix Rare Asclepiad Plant Caralluma Exotic Orbea Cactus Succulent 5 Seeds - Package of 5 seeds mixed from different species of huernias interesting shape and color, lots of species and varieties mixed, the package have all seeds mixed not individual labeled, the seeds were took this season, we have a lot of extremely rare cactus if you want something rare let me know and i will listing for you questions feel free to email me. Air circulation if the seedling are kept inside a house with air conditioning under artificial light or windowsill this will not be a problem even under a tree, most of the time, the conditions will be good for seedlings but if the seedlings are kept in a greenhouse or enclosure, it is most important to keep them well ventilation air flow must be continuous to keep away the conditions that result in molds and/or fungus reproduction to promote healthy growth on seedlings, a small fan can solve the problem make sure the fan does not blow directly on the seedlings in order to avoid the soil drying too quickly. Water for seedlings is the most important item to keep them growing for first few weeks generally, most seedlings, which are 1 week old will die after 3 days of dryness 2 month-old seedlings can survive for 1 week if allowed to dry 6 month-old seedlings can survive for 2 months if allowed to dry 1 year-old seedlings can survive for 5 months if allowed to dry as you can see, the dryness tolerance for seedling is minimal during their first days thus the reason to keep checking them every day–seedlings need to be kept in a humid atmosphere for at least the first weeks if any fungus or bacterial infection appears, remove the affected seedlings and treat with fungicide at that time, it is better to avoid the cover but they must be sprayed every day until they are 2 months old the best source of water is distilled, reverse osmosis or rainwater rainwater must be collected on an open container directly from the sky or during heavy rains avoid collecting rainwater during the first few minutes allowing time to clean the roof because roofs always collect bacteria from birds and insects city water must be avoided because of chlorine and others chemicals. Cactus seedlings are very fragile on the first weeks and survival depends on how they are treated on that crucial stage out of 100 of seeds in the wild only a few survive to an adult plant to produce seeds and start the cycle again obtaining a high percentage of adult plants from a batch of seedlings, depends on how each collector takes care of their seedlings it is not really hard to do once you follow a few steps–most importantly is to check the seedlings every day for at least the first 2 months. Light is very important once the seeds begin to germinate studies show seeds on any light condition (even dark) will germinate if keep in a humid atmosphere and ideal temperature but everything changes once they sprout after germination, they need the right wave of light (color) in order to obtain good results perfect light is always sunlight filtered with shade cloths or poly cover also, under a tree avoiding direct sun but always protecting from rain artificial light will work very well too if you choose the right color–plants or aquarium lights will be the best my experience show the best for cactus and succulents seedling will be 10000k to 20000k if fluorescent lights are used, they can be combined with 2 different colors (ie one from 6500k to 10000k and the other from 10000k to 20000k keeping as wide as possible the difference between the 2 colors together will produce a perfect wave of length to promote healthy growth) every month you can adjust the light intensity because the seedlings will need to go little by little into a full sun in about one year if you notice the seedlings are turning pink or red you may need to reduce the light intensity specially if under sunlight be careful to make big steps on light intensity because it can damage the seedlings (even if they don’t die, they will show a horrible sunburn damage for life).
Gibbaeum Comptonii Exotic Succulent Rare Ice Living Rocks Mesembs Seed 20 Seeds - Light is very important once the seeds begin to germinate studies show seeds on any light condition (even dark) will germinate if keep in a humid atmosphere and ideal temperature but everything changes once they sprout after germination, they need the right wave of light (color) in order to obtain good results perfect light is always sunlight filtered with shade cloths or poly cover also, under a tree avoiding direct sun but always protecting from rain artificial light will work very well too if you choose the right color–plants or aquarium lights will be the best my experience show the best for cactus and succulents seedling will be 10000k to 20000k if fluorescent lights are used, they can be combined with 2 different colors (ie one from 6500k to 10000k and the other from 10000k to 20000k keeping as wide as possible the difference between the 2 colors together will produce a perfect wave of length to promote healthy growth) every month you can adjust the light intensity because the seedlings will need to go little by little into a full sun in about one year if you notice the seedlings are turning pink or red you may need to reduce the light intensity specially if under sunlight be careful to make big steps on light intensity because it can damage the seedlings (even if they don’t die, they will show a horrible sunburn damage for life). Cactus seedlings are very fragile on the first weeks and survival depends on how they are treated on that crucial stage out of 100 of seeds in the wild only a few survive to an adult plant to produce seeds and start the cycle again obtaining a high percentage of adult plants from a batch of seedlings, depends on how each collector takes care of their seedlings it is not really hard to do once you follow a few steps–most importantly is to check the seedlings every day for at least the first 2 months. Water for seedlings is the most important item to keep them growing for first few weeks generally, most seedlings, which are 1 week old will die after 3 days of dryness 2 month-old seedlings can survive for 1 week if allowed to dry 6 month-old seedlings can survive for 2 months if allowed to dry 1 year-old seedlings can survive for 5 months if allowed to dry as you can see, the dryness tolerance for seedling is minimal during their first days thus the reason to keep checking them every day–seedlings need to be kept in a humid atmosphere for at least the first weeks if any fungus or bacterial infection appears, remove the affected seedlings and treat with fungicide at that time, it is better to avoid the cover but they must be sprayed every day until they are 2 months old the best source of water is distilled, reverse osmosis or rainwater rainwater must be collected on an open container directly from the sky or during heavy rains avoid collecting rainwater during the first few minutes allowing time to clean the roof because roofs always collect bacteria from birds and insects city water must be avoided because of chlorine and others chemicals. Air circulation if the seedling are kept inside a house with air conditioning under artificial light or windowsill this will not be a problem even under a tree, most of the time, the conditions will be good for seedlings but if the seedlings are kept in a greenhouse or enclosure, it is most important to keep them well ventilation air flow must be continuous to keep away the conditions that result in molds and/or fungus reproduction to promote healthy growth on seedlings, a small fan can solve the problem make sure the fan does not blow directly on the seedlings in order to avoid the soil drying too quickly. Package of 20 seeds —tiny seeds gibbaeum comptonii interesting shape and color, the seeds were took this season we have a lot of extremely rare cactus if you want something rare let me know and i will listing for you questions feel free to email me.
Echeveria Variety Mix @@ Rare Plant Exotic Succulent Seed Flowering Pot 20 Seeds - Echeveria variety mix rare plant exotic succulent seed. Seeds are super tiny but easy to grow from seeds. Interesting shape and color, lots of species and varieties mixed, the package have all seeds mixed not individual labeled,.
Euphorbia Guiengola Exotic Rare Succulent Caudex Bonsai Hanging Plant 2" Pot - Cactus and succulents are pretty and very easy to grow, just sun and water ones a week, hard to kill plants, the plant for sale is similar to the one on picture and will be shipped bare roots, title say 2″ 4″ or 6″ pot for reference of the size of the plant, the pot or soil are not included, all our plants are free shipping and shipped bare roots (no pot or soil are included) because we consider is safe and cheap, if you want a plant with pot and soil will cost extra $1200, free shipping is for items weight less than 13 oz and any plant shipped with pot and soil will past the usps limit.
Kalanchoe Tubiflora 10 seeds Exotic succulents Showy #1C53# - Conophytum cubicum, rare mesemb exotic succulents seed living stones 50 seeds. Planting instructions for 4″pot kit 1) clean with water and chlorine plastic pot, clear cover and label and wash with fresh water 2) the soil can be sterilized for 2 hours at 250º f in an oven or a microwave but can be used without sterilization i never sterilize the soil for my seedlings but some people like to do so this step is optional–to avoid sterilization, all materials to be used need to be new, never used. Cactus seedlings are very fragile on the first weeks and survival depends on how they are treated on that crucial stage out of 100 of seeds in the wild only a few survive to an adult plant to produce seeds and start the cycle again obtaining a high percentage of adult plants from a batch of seedlings, depends on how each collector takes care of their seedlings. Water for seedlings is the most important item to keep them growing for first few weeks generally, most seedlings, which are 1 week old will die after 3 days of dryness 2 month-old seedlings can survive for 1 week if allowed to dry 6 month-old seedlings can survive for 2 months if allowed to dry 1 year-old seedlings can survive for 5 months if allowed to dry. 3) fill the pot with soil and spray with distilled, reverse osmosis or pure rainwater to let soil flatten at the top 4) place to 1/8 to ¼ inch layer of dyna rock or crushed sea shell extra fine on top to cover the soil making a layer between soil and seeds 5) place seeds over the dyna rock fine spray water the seeds well and cover with a clearcover.
Conophytum cubicum, rare mesemb exotic succulents seed living stones 100 SEEDS - Conophytum cubicum, rare mesemb exotic succulents seed living stones 100 seeds. To the naked eye the epidermis ranges from very smooth to slightly rough to “hairy” depending on the microscopic epidermal cell shape and structure they in their normal, natural state each stem has only one pair of leaves at a time though one plant may have dozens of stems and thus dozens of leaf pairs. When very heavy rains come to their native habitat they may grow luxuriantly and develop two leaf pairs per stem simultaneously, this is called “stacking up” of the leave conophytums are such unusual, beautiful plants that they must be seen either in photos or, preferably, in person to be appreciated. Conophytums are tiny plants with succulent leaves ranging from 1/4″ to 2″ in length these leaves are partially to entirely fused along their centers each leaf pair (together referred to as a body) ranges in shape from “bilobbed” to spherical to ovoid to tubular to conical they may have “windows” on the top of their leaves to the naked eye the epidermis ranges from very smooth to slightly rough to “hairy” depending on the microscopic epidermal cell shape and structure. Conophytum is a genus of south african and namibian succulent plants that belong to the aizoaceae family the name is derived from the latin u201cconus” (cone) and greek u201cphytum” (plant) the plants are also known as knopies (buttons), waterblasies (water blisters), sphaeroids, conos, cone plants, dumplings, or button plants conophytum species are dwarf cushion forming or single-bodied succulents.
Conophytum Obcordellum Rare Mesemb Exotic Succulent Seed Living Stones 30 Seeds - Package of 30 seeds conophytum is a genus of south african and namibian succulent plants that belong to the aizoaceae family the name is derived from the latin u201cconus” (cone) and greek u201cphytum” (plant) the plants are also known as knopies (buttons), waterblasies (water blisters), sphaeroids, conos, cone plants, dumplings, or button plants conophytum species are dwarf cushion forming or single-bodied succulents conophytums are tiny plants with succulent leaves ranging from 1/4″ to 2″ in length these leaves are partially to entirely fused along their centers each leaf pair (together referred to as a body) ranges in shape from “bilobbed” to spherical to ovoid to tubular to conical they may have “windows” on the top of their leaves to the naked eye the epidermis ranges from very smooth to slightly rough to “hairy” depending on the microscopic epidermal cell shape and structure they in their normal, natural state each stem has only one pair of leaves at a time though one plant may have dozens of stems and thus dozens of leaf pairs when very heavy rains come to their native habitat they may grow luxuriantly and develop two leaf pairs per stem simultaneously, this is called “stacking up” of the leave. Cactus seedlings are very fragile on the first weeks and survival depends on how they are treated on that crucial stage out of 100 of seeds in the wild only a few survive to an adult plant to produce seeds and start the cycle again obtaining a high percentage of adult plants from a batch of seedlings, depends on how each collector takes care of their seedlings it is not really hard to do once you follow a few steps–most importantly is to check the seedlings every day for at least the first 2 months. Air circulation if the seedling are kept inside a house with air conditioning under artificial light or windowsill this will not be a problem even under a tree, most of the time, the conditions will be good for seedlings but if the seedlings are kept in a greenhouse or enclosure, it is most important to keep them well ventilation air flow must be continuous to keep away the conditions that result in molds and/or fungus reproduction to promote healthy growth on seedlings, a small fan can solve the problem make sure the fan does not blow directly on the seedlings in order to avoid the soil drying too quickly. Light is very important once the seeds begin to germinate studies show seeds on any light condition (even dark) will germinate if keep in a humid atmosphere and ideal temperature but everything changes once they sprout after germination, they need the right wave of light (color) in order to obtain good results perfect light is always sunlight filtered with shade cloths or poly cover also, under a tree avoiding direct sun but always protecting from rain artificial light will work very well too if you choose the right color–plants or aquarium lights will be the best my experience show the best for cactus and succulents seedling will be 10000k to 20000k if fluorescent lights are used, they can be combined with 2 different colors (ie one from 6500k to 10000k and the other from 10000k to 20000k keeping as wide as possible the difference between the 2 colors together will produce a perfect wave of length to promote healthy growth) every month you can adjust the light intensity because the seedlings will need to go little by little into a full sun in about one year if you notice the seedlings are turning pink or red you may need to reduce the light intensity specially if under sunlight be careful to make big steps on light intensity because it can damage the seedlings (even if they don’t die, they will show a horrible sunburn damage for life). Water for seedlings is the most important item to keep them growing for first few weeks generally, most seedlings, which are 1 week old will die after 3 days of dryness 2 month-old seedlings can survive for 1 week if allowed to dry 6 month-old seedlings can survive for 2 months if allowed to dry 1 year-old seedlings can survive for 5 months if allowed to dry as you can see, the dryness tolerance for seedling is minimal during their first days thus the reason to keep checking them every day–seedlings need to be kept in a humid atmosphere for at least the first weeks if any fungus or bacterial infection appears, remove the affected seedlings and treat with fungicide at that time, it is better to avoid the cover but they must be sprayed every day until they are 2 months old the best source of water is distilled, reverse osmosis or rainwater rainwater must be collected on an open container directly from the sky or during heavy rains avoid collecting rainwater during the first few minutes allowing time to clean the roof because roofs always collect bacteria from birds and insects city water must be avoided because of chlorine and others chemicals.
Haworthia Attenuata, Zebra Zebrina Exotic Rare Succulent Cactus Plant Cacti 2" - Cactus and succulents are pretty and very easy to grow, just sun and water ones a week, hard to kill plants, the plant for sale is similar to the one on picture and will be shipped bare roots, title say 2″ 4″ or 6″ pot for reference of the size of the plant, the pot or soil are not included, all our plants are free shipping and shipped bare roots (no pot or soil are included).
Special Aloe Mix 5 Seeds Exotic Succulent Cactus - The flowers are produced in summer on a spike up to 90 cm (35 in) tall, each flower being pendulous, with a yellow tubular corolla 2-3 cm (08-12 in) long. Aloe is a stemless or very short-stemmed succulent plant growing to 60-100 cm (24-39 in) tall, spreading by offsets. Qty 5 seeds. Special aloe mix seeds. Aloe vera has been widely grown as an ornamental plant.

Mother Of Thousands Kalanchoe Daigremontiana Mexican Hat Plant Rare Succulent Exotic Cactus Cacti 4"
COLOR ECHEVERIA mix, rare exotic succulent HEN & CHICKS seed flowering -20 seeds - Seeds are like brown powder, not easy to handle but easy to grow after place them on wet soil,. Water for seedlings is the most important item to keep them growing for first few weeks generally, most seedlings, which are 1 week old will die after 3 days of dryness 2 month-old seedlings can survive for 1 week if allowed to dry 6 month-old seedlings can survive for 2 months if allowed to dry 1 year-old seedlings can survive for 5 months if allowed to dry. Cactus seedlings are very fragile on the first weeks and survival depends on how they are treated on that crucial stage out of 100 of seeds in the wild only a few survive to an adult plant to produce seeds and start the cycle again obtaining a high percentage of adult plants from a batch of seedlings, depends on how each collector takes care of their seedlings. Interesting shape and color, lots of species and varieties mixed, the package have all seeds mixed not individual labeled, seeds are super tiny but easy to grow from seeds,. Color echeveria mix, rare exotic succulent hen & chicks seed flowering -20 seeds.
Kalanchoe Variety Mix @@ Rare Plant Exotic Succulent Seed Flowering Pot 20 Seeds - Light is very important once the seeds begin to germinate studies show seeds on any light condition (even dark) will germinate if keep in a humid atmosphere and ideal temperature but everything changes once they sprout after germination, they need the right wave of light (color) in order to obtain good results perfect light is always sunlight filtered with shade cloths or poly cover also, under a tree avoiding direct sun but always protecting from rain artificial light will work very well too if you choose the right color–plants or aquarium lights will be the best my experience show the best for cactus and succulents seedling will be 10000k to 20000k if fluorescent lights are used, they can be combined with 2 different colors (ie one from 6500k to 10000k and the other from 10000k to 20000k keeping as wide as possible the difference between the 2 colors together will produce a perfect wave of length to promote healthy growth) every month you can adjust the light intensity because the seedlings will need to go little by little into a full sun in about one year if you notice the seedlings are turning pink or red you may need to reduce the light intensity specially if under sunlight be careful to make big steps on light intensity because it can damage the seedlings (even if they don’t die, they will show a horrible sunburn damage for life). Air circulation if the seedling are kept inside a house with air conditioning under artificial light or windowsill this will not be a problem even under a tree, most of the time, the conditions will be good for seedlings but if the seedlings are kept in a greenhouse or enclosure, it is most important to keep them well ventilation air flow must be continuous to keep away the conditions that result in molds and/or fungus reproduction to promote healthy growth on seedlings, a small fan can solve the problem make sure the fan does not blow directly on the seedlings in order to avoid the soil drying too quickly. Kalanchoe mix package of 20 seeds, the seeds were took this season, super tiny seeds almost dust we have a lot of extremely rare cactus if you want something rare let me know and i will listing for you questions feel free to email me. Water for seedlings is the most important item to keep them growing for first few weeks generally, most seedlings, which are 1 week old will die after 3 days of dryness 2 month-old seedlings can survive for 1 week if allowed to dry 6 month-old seedlings can survive for 2 months if allowed to dry 1 year-old seedlings can survive for 5 months if allowed to dry as you can see, the dryness tolerance for seedling is minimal during their first days thus the reason to keep checking them every day–seedlings need to be kept in a humid atmosphere for at least the first weeks if any fungus or bacterial infection appears, remove the affected seedlings and treat with fungicide at that time, it is better to avoid the cover but they must be sprayed every day until they are 2 months old the best source of water is distilled, reverse osmosis or rainwater rainwater must be collected on an open container directly from the sky or during heavy rains avoid collecting rainwater during the first few minutes allowing time to clean the roof because roofs always collect bacteria from birds and insects city water must be avoided because of chlorine and others chemicals. Cactus seedlings are very fragile on the first weeks and survival depends on how they are treated on that crucial stage out of 100 of seeds in the wild only a few survive to an adult plant to produce seeds and start the cycle again obtaining a high percentage of adult plants from a batch of seedlings, depends on how each collector takes care of their seedlings it is not really hard to do once you follow a few steps–most importantly is to check the seedlings every day for at least the first 2 months.